Rao Anwar

Rao Anwar

Rao Anwar is a Famous Pakistani Retired Police Officer (SSP), who was born on in Karachi, Pakistan. Find Rao Anwar age, wife, net worth, weight, height, career, family, pics biography & more. Get information about all key achievements or accomplishments of Rao Anwar.
Rao Anwar
Date of Birth(will update soon)
Age(will update soon)
Birth PlaceKarachi, Pakistan
ResidenceKarachi, Pakistan
ProfessionRetired Police Officer (SSP)
Father(will update soon)
Mother(will update soon)
Siblings(will update soon)
Spouse(will update soon)
Horoscope(will update soon)
Weight70 KG
Height5 feet 7 inches
Net Worth(will update soon)
Personal Profile About Rao Anwar

What is the age of Rao Anwar?

Rao Anwar age is , his date of birth , horoscope (will update soon), place of birth Karachi, Pakistan, nationality as Pakistani and residence Karachi, Pakistan.

What is the Profession of Rao Anwar?

Rao Anwar is an Pakistani Retired Police Officer (SSP) by profession.

Who is Rao Anwar's wife?

Rao Anwar wife or spouse name is (will update soon).

Who is Rao Anwar's Parents?

Rao Anwar father name is (will update soon) and mother name (will update soon).

Who is Rao Anwar's siblings?

Rao Anwar siblings name is (will update soon).

What is the net worth of Rao Anwar?

Rao Anwar net worth is (will update soon).

What is Rao Anwar education?

Rao Anwar education is Graduated.

What is the height and weight of Rao Anwar?

Rao Anwar height is 5 feet 7 inches and weight 70 KG.

Disclaimer: The information is taken from authentic resources and websites. However, almuflihoon is not responsible for any irrelevant or wrong information.
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